coding and it
Guadalinex is a Debian based GNU/Linux distribution promoted by the government of Andalusia (Spain). It's used in schools, public libraries, centers for elderly people and special info centers on over 100,000 PCs. Recently, Guadalinex announced that the next version would be based on Ubuntu.
smeagol88 - am Montag, 2. Mai 2005, 20:10 - Rubrik: coding and it
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen
smeagol88 - am Freitag, 29. April 2005, 12:34 - Rubrik: coding and it
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen
smeagol88 - am Freitag, 15. April 2005, 15:52 - Rubrik: coding and it
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen
16 Essential Vitamins
google: cnn / wired / salon / k10k / advogato / scripting / plastic / kuro5hin / slashdot / geeknews / osnews / sa / metafilter / boingboing / pokey
¤ Proggies
Vi: macros, AdvFAQ, :help / Screen: intro, FAQ, Help, Bindings, .screenrc / Mutt: Sender Profiles / Balsa / Sylpheed: -claws, Patches / X-Face / GNOME Office / Bash Scripting / IRC Help: op guide, command cosmos, rfc / Eggdrop: Download, Setup / Epic: Scripts / Freenet: FreeWeb,, Frost / Gnutella / GDivX Player / Project Mayo / DivX / VCDHelp / Winamp: Tara
¤ Art
Boycott RIAA / RIAA Radar (Non-RIAA Album Checker) /
Language ¤
Conlang Yellow Pages / @ Pegasus / Conlang Code / ~bartlett / NGL / Welsh Course
¤ ScriptRefs
The Shootout / Prog Lang Ex Alike Cookbook / Perl, Use, CPAN, The Journal: whatis, quick ref, learn, tips / PHP: : whatis, quick ref, smarty, SHM / Python, Vaults of Parnassus, PythonWare: whatis, diveintopython, docs, modules, string, re, PyUnit, socket, xml / Guido's Essays: optimization anecdote / REBOL/View, REBOL Forces: whatis, quick ref, mysql://, REBOL/Zine, View FAQ / *Ruby*, Raa, Ruby Garden, Rwn: whatis, quick ref, pickaxe book, design patterns, GtkRi / Lambda / WinScripters: Basics, Python, RubyScript [2], DDJ / YAML: in 5 mins, cookbook, wiki, syck /
CodeRefs ¤
Java1.1 Docs: io, string, vector, hashtable / Languages for the JVM / Jamie Zawinski Docs / Mumit Khan: MinGW, STL newbie / STL Algorithms / Pointers, R & V / Pete's C & C++: DLL / SO, linklists, pointers, kanga / GotW / Stereopsis / Security: overflow / XLib Reference: ICCCM / Concurrent Clean: appetizer, book, app servers, Life / Cyclone: intro, docs / CVS: CVS Book, Primer, 10 Tips, cvs2cl / Subversion: docs / astyle
¤ Databases
MySQL: performance, types, JOIN, add f(), functions, vars, HEAP, OPTIMIZE / PostgreSQL: PL/SQL, types, LIKE,RegEx, func(), arrays / Momjian Book: types, RegEx, CASE, Self-joins, func(), COPY / PL/ PgSQL: PL/Ruby, FreeBSD Diary, HowTO, Bits / Sleepycat / Oracle: SQL
I *Heart* BSD ¤
FreeBSD : Foundation, Handbook, Ports / FreshPorts / FreeBSD Diary / OpenBSD : NetBSD : Daemon News: daily / BSD Today / / Darwin
(( TechnoBabble ))
(( Jargon File ))
(( Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing ))
¤ Encryption
GnuPG Key-Signing Party HOWTO / PGP-Key-Signing HOWTO / MUTT-GnuPG-PGP HOWTO / PGP @
Equips ¤
Shuttle SS40G, SV24 / Tin Can Antenna / SonicState: Boss SP-303, Roland MC-505, Korg Electribe ES-1, Korg Triton, EMU XL-7, Moogs / Zzounds / Wurlitzers / Fender Rhodes: Models
¤ BrOK3n p00t3rZ
Interactive Fiction Competition / C64: Poldi, MJK, HyperLink, screenshots, standard support
16 Essential Vitamins
google: cnn / wired / salon / k10k / advogato / scripting / plastic / kuro5hin / slashdot / geeknews / osnews / sa / metafilter / boingboing / pokey
¤ Proggies
Vi: macros, AdvFAQ, :help / Screen: intro, FAQ, Help, Bindings, .screenrc / Mutt: Sender Profiles / Balsa / Sylpheed: -claws, Patches / X-Face / GNOME Office / Bash Scripting / IRC Help: op guide, command cosmos, rfc / Eggdrop: Download, Setup / Epic: Scripts / Freenet: FreeWeb,, Frost / Gnutella / GDivX Player / Project Mayo / DivX / VCDHelp / Winamp: Tara
¤ Art
Boycott RIAA / RIAA Radar (Non-RIAA Album Checker) /
Language ¤
Conlang Yellow Pages / @ Pegasus / Conlang Code / ~bartlett / NGL / Welsh Course
¤ ScriptRefs
The Shootout / Prog Lang Ex Alike Cookbook / Perl, Use, CPAN, The Journal: whatis, quick ref, learn, tips / PHP: : whatis, quick ref, smarty, SHM / Python, Vaults of Parnassus, PythonWare: whatis, diveintopython, docs, modules, string, re, PyUnit, socket, xml / Guido's Essays: optimization anecdote / REBOL/View, REBOL Forces: whatis, quick ref, mysql://, REBOL/Zine, View FAQ / *Ruby*, Raa, Ruby Garden, Rwn: whatis, quick ref, pickaxe book, design patterns, GtkRi / Lambda / WinScripters: Basics, Python, RubyScript [2], DDJ / YAML: in 5 mins, cookbook, wiki, syck /
CodeRefs ¤
Java1.1 Docs: io, string, vector, hashtable / Languages for the JVM / Jamie Zawinski Docs / Mumit Khan: MinGW, STL newbie / STL Algorithms / Pointers, R & V / Pete's C & C++: DLL / SO, linklists, pointers, kanga / GotW / Stereopsis / Security: overflow / XLib Reference: ICCCM / Concurrent Clean: appetizer, book, app servers, Life / Cyclone: intro, docs / CVS: CVS Book, Primer, 10 Tips, cvs2cl / Subversion: docs / astyle
¤ Databases
MySQL: performance, types, JOIN, add f(), functions, vars, HEAP, OPTIMIZE / PostgreSQL: PL/SQL, types, LIKE,RegEx, func(), arrays / Momjian Book: types, RegEx, CASE, Self-joins, func(), COPY / PL/ PgSQL: PL/Ruby, FreeBSD Diary, HowTO, Bits / Sleepycat / Oracle: SQL
I *Heart* BSD ¤
FreeBSD : Foundation, Handbook, Ports / FreshPorts / FreeBSD Diary / OpenBSD : NetBSD : Daemon News: daily / BSD Today / / Darwin
(( TechnoBabble ))
(( Jargon File ))
(( Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing ))
¤ Encryption
GnuPG Key-Signing Party HOWTO / PGP-Key-Signing HOWTO / MUTT-GnuPG-PGP HOWTO / PGP @
Equips ¤
Shuttle SS40G, SV24 / Tin Can Antenna / SonicState: Boss SP-303, Roland MC-505, Korg Electribe ES-1, Korg Triton, EMU XL-7, Moogs / Zzounds / Wurlitzers / Fender Rhodes: Models
¤ BrOK3n p00t3rZ
Interactive Fiction Competition / C64: Poldi, MJK, HyperLink, screenshots, standard support
smeagol88 - am Mittwoch, 30. März 2005, 15:20 - Rubrik: coding and it
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen
smeagol88 - am Dienstag, 8. März 2005, 09:31 - Rubrik: coding and it
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen
smeagol88 - am Montag, 7. März 2005, 11:46 - Rubrik: coding and it
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen
class Base:
def __init__(self):
self.anattribute = 23
class Derived(Base):
def _ _init_ _(self):
self.anotherattribute = 45
1) __init__ der basisklasse wird NICHT automatisch aufgerufen
2) self muss ausnhamsweise übergeben werden!
def __init__(self):
self.anattribute = 23
class Derived(Base):
def _ _init_ _(self):
self.anotherattribute = 45
1) __init__ der basisklasse wird NICHT automatisch aufgerufen
2) self muss ausnhamsweise übergeben werden!
smeagol88 - am Samstag, 5. März 2005, 15:29 - Rubrik: coding and it
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen
smeagol88 - am Samstag, 5. März 2005, 13:44 - Rubrik: coding and it
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen
smeagol88 - am Samstag, 5. März 2005, 13:36 - Rubrik: coding and it
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen
smeagol88 - am Samstag, 5. März 2005, 13:05 - Rubrik: coding and it
noch kein Kommentar - Kommentar verfassen