16 Essential Vitamins
google: cnn / wired / salon / k10k / advogato / scripting / plastic / kuro5hin / slashdot / geeknews / osnews / sa / metafilter / boingboing / pokey
¤ Proggies
Vi: macros, AdvFAQ, :help / Screen: intro, FAQ, Help, Bindings, .screenrc / Mutt: Sender Profiles / Balsa / Sylpheed: -claws, Patches / X-Face / GNOME Office / Bash Scripting / IRC Help: op guide, command cosmos, rfc / Eggdrop: Download, Setup / Epic: Scripts / Freenet: FreeWeb,, Frost / Gnutella / GDivX Player / Project Mayo / DivX / VCDHelp / Winamp: Tara
¤ Art
Boycott RIAA / RIAA Radar (Non-RIAA Album Checker) /
Language ¤
Conlang Yellow Pages / @ Pegasus / Conlang Code / ~bartlett / NGL / Welsh Course
¤ ScriptRefs
The Shootout / Prog Lang Ex Alike Cookbook / Perl, Use, CPAN, The Journal: whatis, quick ref, learn, tips / PHP: : whatis, quick ref, smarty, SHM / Python, Vaults of Parnassus, PythonWare: whatis, diveintopython, docs, modules, string, re, PyUnit, socket, xml / Guido's Essays: optimization anecdote / REBOL/View, REBOL Forces: whatis, quick ref, mysql://, REBOL/Zine, View FAQ / *Ruby*, Raa, Ruby Garden, Rwn: whatis, quick ref, pickaxe book, design patterns, GtkRi / Lambda / WinScripters: Basics, Python, RubyScript [2], DDJ / YAML: in 5 mins, cookbook, wiki, syck /
CodeRefs ¤
Java1.1 Docs: io, string, vector, hashtable / Languages for the JVM / Jamie Zawinski Docs / Mumit Khan: MinGW, STL newbie / STL Algorithms / Pointers, R & V / Pete's C & C++: DLL / SO, linklists, pointers, kanga / GotW / Stereopsis / Security: overflow / XLib Reference: ICCCM / Concurrent Clean: appetizer, book, app servers, Life / Cyclone: intro, docs / CVS: CVS Book, Primer, 10 Tips, cvs2cl / Subversion: docs / astyle
¤ Databases
MySQL: performance, types, JOIN, add f(), functions, vars, HEAP, OPTIMIZE / PostgreSQL: PL/SQL, types, LIKE,RegEx, func(), arrays / Momjian Book: types, RegEx, CASE, Self-joins, func(), COPY / PL/ PgSQL: PL/Ruby, FreeBSD Diary, HowTO, Bits / Sleepycat / Oracle: SQL
I *Heart* BSD ¤
FreeBSD : Foundation, Handbook, Ports / FreshPorts / FreeBSD Diary / OpenBSD : NetBSD : Daemon News: daily / BSD Today / / Darwin
(( TechnoBabble ))
(( Jargon File ))
(( Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing ))
¤ Encryption
GnuPG Key-Signing Party HOWTO / PGP-Key-Signing HOWTO / MUTT-GnuPG-PGP HOWTO / PGP @
Equips ¤
Shuttle SS40G, SV24 / Tin Can Antenna / SonicState: Boss SP-303, Roland MC-505, Korg Electribe ES-1, Korg Triton, EMU XL-7, Moogs / Zzounds / Wurlitzers / Fender Rhodes: Models
¤ BrOK3n p00t3rZ
Interactive Fiction Competition / C64: Poldi, MJK, HyperLink, screenshots, standard support
16 Essential Vitamins
google: cnn / wired / salon / k10k / advogato / scripting / plastic / kuro5hin / slashdot / geeknews / osnews / sa / metafilter / boingboing / pokey
¤ Proggies
Vi: macros, AdvFAQ, :help / Screen: intro, FAQ, Help, Bindings, .screenrc / Mutt: Sender Profiles / Balsa / Sylpheed: -claws, Patches / X-Face / GNOME Office / Bash Scripting / IRC Help: op guide, command cosmos, rfc / Eggdrop: Download, Setup / Epic: Scripts / Freenet: FreeWeb,, Frost / Gnutella / GDivX Player / Project Mayo / DivX / VCDHelp / Winamp: Tara
¤ Art
Boycott RIAA / RIAA Radar (Non-RIAA Album Checker) /
Language ¤
Conlang Yellow Pages / @ Pegasus / Conlang Code / ~bartlett / NGL / Welsh Course
¤ ScriptRefs
The Shootout / Prog Lang Ex Alike Cookbook / Perl, Use, CPAN, The Journal: whatis, quick ref, learn, tips / PHP: : whatis, quick ref, smarty, SHM / Python, Vaults of Parnassus, PythonWare: whatis, diveintopython, docs, modules, string, re, PyUnit, socket, xml / Guido's Essays: optimization anecdote / REBOL/View, REBOL Forces: whatis, quick ref, mysql://, REBOL/Zine, View FAQ / *Ruby*, Raa, Ruby Garden, Rwn: whatis, quick ref, pickaxe book, design patterns, GtkRi / Lambda / WinScripters: Basics, Python, RubyScript [2], DDJ / YAML: in 5 mins, cookbook, wiki, syck /
CodeRefs ¤
Java1.1 Docs: io, string, vector, hashtable / Languages for the JVM / Jamie Zawinski Docs / Mumit Khan: MinGW, STL newbie / STL Algorithms / Pointers, R & V / Pete's C & C++: DLL / SO, linklists, pointers, kanga / GotW / Stereopsis / Security: overflow / XLib Reference: ICCCM / Concurrent Clean: appetizer, book, app servers, Life / Cyclone: intro, docs / CVS: CVS Book, Primer, 10 Tips, cvs2cl / Subversion: docs / astyle
¤ Databases
MySQL: performance, types, JOIN, add f(), functions, vars, HEAP, OPTIMIZE / PostgreSQL: PL/SQL, types, LIKE,RegEx, func(), arrays / Momjian Book: types, RegEx, CASE, Self-joins, func(), COPY / PL/ PgSQL: PL/Ruby, FreeBSD Diary, HowTO, Bits / Sleepycat / Oracle: SQL
I *Heart* BSD ¤
FreeBSD : Foundation, Handbook, Ports / FreshPorts / FreeBSD Diary / OpenBSD : NetBSD : Daemon News: daily / BSD Today / / Darwin
(( TechnoBabble ))
(( Jargon File ))
(( Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing ))
¤ Encryption
GnuPG Key-Signing Party HOWTO / PGP-Key-Signing HOWTO / MUTT-GnuPG-PGP HOWTO / PGP @
Equips ¤
Shuttle SS40G, SV24 / Tin Can Antenna / SonicState: Boss SP-303, Roland MC-505, Korg Electribe ES-1, Korg Triton, EMU XL-7, Moogs / Zzounds / Wurlitzers / Fender Rhodes: Models
¤ BrOK3n p00t3rZ
Interactive Fiction Competition / C64: Poldi, MJK, HyperLink, screenshots, standard support
smeagol88 - am Mittwoch, 30. März 2005, 15:20 - Rubrik: coding and it